Dec 22, 2015


Hello, guys. As you were able to notice, this week's comic was (once again) delayed. The explanation for this is that we were out of town and thought we could make it back in time to post everything but couldn't.

We don't want to delay ourselves as much as we have been, but we aparently will have to. Right now, we are considering taking a quick hiatus, starting today (December 22nd, 2015) and ending during the first week of January (Which means we probably would come back on January 4th, 2016). This is because, during this time of the year, we get busy with our family and friends, and also have some other important appointments that might interfere. The last thing we wanna do is make Sugarskull into a half-hearted job, so we will take a quick rest and come back full of energy to start the year at 100%.

Thank you for understanding,
the Sugarskull team.

We will try to keep the upload schedule the same (Mondays), but in case anything changes that, we'll make sure to let you guys know.

Andy^2 #8

Dec 16, 2015

Andy^2 #7

Nice Mon--err... Nice Wednesday, fellers! We're sorry about the delay, and we're certainly sorry about not letting you know in here. We had a complicated an unexpected situation on Monday and we weren't able to upload this then; so the plan was doing so yesterday. Unfortunately, things were still complicated and thus we are posting the new comic now. Here you go!

Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused, and thank you again to everyone who has been supportive of the Sugarskull Project up until now. As a little side-note, let us tell you this strip is based on a true story. This actually happened to someone in the Sugarskull family (if you didn't think it was funny enough)!

Dec 8, 2015

December Updates

Hello, everyone! We're progressing slowly, but the important thing is we haven't stopped moving forward. One of the intentions of Sugarskull Comics is to give you guys updates at least every month to let you know about changes we might be doing and what's coming next.

Everyone that follows Cookie in DeviantART will know about some of the projects that we're currently taking care of, which is Noire, the Supernova! spin-off. Most of you will not have any idea of what the original is about... So one of the ideas is that we will be posting here the Supernova! strips so you know who the characters are when the time comes.

Another project is the possible creation of another comic strip. We currently have a lot of different ideas, but we haven't had any as good yet. Also, we might be starting to remake The Ultimate Star Creators and/or Apfel Story. We know we've been saying this for a long time, but we want to make sure the story is on point before we begin sketching and it seems that we're now ready!

So, in conclusion, this is what we will be seeing in December and January:
  •  More Andy^2 strips every Monday!
  • Supernova! strips (schedule day pending)
  • A remake of either Apfel Story or The Ultimate Star Creators
We have also plans of letting you see some cool artwork and extras, but the date is not yet established! Until then, please stay tuned to the page or any of our social networks, which you can find here.

Nov 16, 2015

Andy ^2 #3

Have a nice Monday, everyone! Once again it's time for some Andy^2 to be uploaded! This time we bring you a very relatable strip!

We hope you like it, we will see you next Monday, as usual! Check us out on our social media too, follow us everywhere and stay tuned for more comics!

Nov 11, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls

For comfort's sake, we're going to make the whole TOP 10 goth girls into only one post. Every time we upload another TOP 10, we will be just updating the same post, so we don't end up having numerous entries that can just be reduced to one. For now, we're gonna leave all of the previous entries, since they have all the descriptions, so if you wanna check them out, you're more than welcome to do so. Now with the top:

That is all for now, guys! I hope you enjoyed our TOP 10 Goth Girls as much as we enjoyed making it! See you later~!

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 1

We've finally reached the end of our TOP 10 goth girls, so it's time to award the first place to our favourite~! And she is Lenore! This adorable little missy is our most beloved here in Sugarskull: the main character of Roman Dirge's Lenore the Cute Little Dead Girl, based on Edgar Allan Poe's Lenore!

Out of every girl in the list, she's the most adorable and happy-go-lucky! That's definitely one of the things that make this cute little goth girl so special! We're very happy to have finished our first top, and are really eager to go on with the next activities for Sugarskull!

Are you happy with the order of this list? What would you have changed? Who would you have included? Do you have ideas for another top? Let us know by leaving a comment!

Nov 10, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 2

We're almost done with our TOP, guys, and we're very excited! The 2nd place today is another very very VERY popular character! Not only beloved by many, but also very quoted by people in the gothic subculture (and everyone else, really). We're, of course, talking about Wednesday Addams!

Everybody knows the TV series The Addams Family, where this girl used to appear... But did you know that this was also a comic? The TV show is actually just an adaptation of the 1-panel gag series that came as a satiric version of "the ideal American family".

What are your thoughts? Are you happy with Wednesday on 2nd place? Who could possibly surpass this girl in our list? Let us know your opinion and leave a comment!

Nov 9, 2015

Andy^2 #2

Happy Monday, everyone!

As we've said before, every Monday we will be posting some Andy^2 comics, so here we go with the second page! Have fun, we'll see you later!

See you later, guys!

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 3

The 3rd place (and first finalist) of our TOP 10 goth girls is Nemi Montoya!

Surely you have read one of this girls comics (specially if you're in the whole gothic subculture/fashion) since they are so relatable! She's the main character of a Norwegian comic strip that goes by the name Nemi and used to be published in newspapers. It's very common that every now and then you see some of her stuff on Facebook or other social media!

Do you think she should be in 3rd place? Who do you think are the last two girls? Please let us know by leaving a comment!

Nov 8, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 4

We're right about to end the top, since we're in 4th place already. This leaves us with just the first three places (a.k.a. the finalists) left. Today we bring you another character created by our beloved Jhonen Vasquez. Although Gaz is the most recalled and loved goth girl from Invader Zim, we have to admit this one is our favourite from the show: she's the most enigmatic, dark and merciless character. The one who could truly have destroyed Earth as we know it.

If you loved the show as much as we do here in Sugarskull, you will remember this Irken girl who came into our planet to take over it and torment Zim as a revenge for leaving her locked as Operation: Impending Doom II was right about to begin. Her scheme was unrecognizable even by Dib, and she got very close to actually meeting her goal! Even if her screen time was short, this is definitely our favourite character in the show!

Do you think Tak is worthy of the 4th place? Who do you think will be our finalists? Please leave us a comment!

Nov 7, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 5

We're back with the TOP 10, and this time we have a character that is a little bit more underground. "My mother is Satan, my father was a lawyer. I'm an evil incarnate", is what you can find as part of today's goth girl's description.

Of course, we're talking about Tabitha Sinclair, from Sandra K. Fuhr's Boy Meets Boy. We're not lying when we say that she's one of Sugarskull's favourites, not only because we happen to love all of the comics by Sandra Fuhr, but because this is a very deep and cool character. Despite being "an evil incarnate", she's actually a nice person with an odd way of doing things ;)

Did you already knew Tabitha? If you didn't, make sure to check out Boy Meets Boy on Keenspot, so you can get to know her better!

Are you satisfied with her being in 5th place? Who do you think is next up on the list? Leave a comment!

Nov 6, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 6

We're back with another character from the imagination of Mr. Jhonen Vasquez on the list! This time, in 6th place, we have Devi D., from both Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and I Feel Sick.

We really have to admit that here in Sugarskull we love her JtHM version the best! But due to some characters that are coming up on the list looking very similar, we chose her IFS version instead! So what about you, guys? Which version of Devi do you like the most? Are you happy with her in 6th place? Who do you expect to come up next? Please leave us a comment!

Nov 5, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 7

We're now on the 7th place of our list, and this time we have an even more popular character when it comes to goth girls! Gaz!

This little lady here is a creation of Jhonen Vasquez, in his masterpiece Invader Zim. Here in Sugarskull, we believe her surname is "Membrane", since she's the daughter of Professor Membrane (although we're not very sure if "Membrane" is his surname, first name or nickname).

Do you like Gaz in the 7th place? Do you believe her full name is Gaz Membrane? Who do you think will come up next? Leave a comment!

Nov 4, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 8

We've reached the 8th place on our TOP 10, guys! This time we will have a more popular character in the list! Say hi to Samantha Manson!

In Sugarskull, we love this character very much! Almost as much as we love the overall show Danny Phantom! But the gothy girls that are yet to come we love even more! What about you? Who do you think will come up next? Do you like Sam in 8th place? Leave a comment!

Nov 3, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 9

Hey! :D Yesterday we posted about our idea of Top 10s and how everything will be done. Also, we told you about the first one we will be doing, its theme being goth girls. The 10th place was awarded to Ruby Gloom, so now it's time to show the 9th place!

Do you like Emily the Strange as much as we do here in Sugarskull Comics? Who do you think will come up next in our list? Do you believe she deserved the 9th place? Let us know by leaving a comment! :D

Nov 2, 2015

TOP 10 Goth Girls - 10

Okay, guys! :D

So, our first nominee for the cathegory Goth Girls, in 10th place... is... *Drumroll*

RUBY GLOOM! If you ever saw this show, this will probably bring memories back :) In Sugarskull Comics, we love Ruby Gloom! But we love the next contestants to come even more! Stay tuned so you can keep the record!  Which ones do you think will be in the following places? Do you think Ruby should have gotten a higher place? Let us know by leaving a comment!

Top 10s

As another part of the project, Sugarskull Comics is also developing an Art Project called the Top 10. Basically like every other Top 10 ever, but slightly different.

Every certain period of time, we will either choose or ask fans for a theme and develop our Top 10 around it. This theme will include characters in either cartoons or comics (if the time calls for it, maybe literature and series). For example, let's say you guys pick superheroes as your theme. That means that we're gonna have to come up with our ten favourite superheroes and place them in order. Then, we will make fanart and publish it little by little so you guys can see the progress and have the time for checking them out.

Because of the dates when Sugarskull decided to sail, and also because of the general tinge that the project itself has, we decided that the first theme will be Goth Girls. So please stay tuned! We're gonna publish our first Goth Girl on the top in a couple of minutes now, and continue to do it through the next days!

Side note:
Top 10s will be included in the Extras category, so they will most likely be included in DeviantART as well!

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Andy^2 #1

Better late than never, guys! It's very very late, but still November 2nd! And, as promised, the first comic of Sugarskull is here! Thank you lots for your support! We'll keep uploading stuff during the next days (or weeks), so stay tuned!

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Oct 23, 2015

The Countdown Begins

Ladies and gentlemen! It's almost time for the Sugarskull Comics project to officially sail! We're absolutely excited, as there's only 10 days left until our great start!

We will, as scheduled, begin with the Andy^2 strips which we talked about before in Cookie's DeviantArt profile, and will proceed with some more as time goes by. So far we don't have an official upload day (which means that we're not exactly sure how often we're going to be uploading), but we're going to do our best to upload every monday.

Thanks again to everyone who has been supporting and cheering us, and for all the kind words we've recieved. We will do our best not to let you down, and will try to improve our comics each day.

We hope to see you on November the 2nd, when the first comic is out!

To everyone and anyone reading this and following us so far,
fair winds and following seas!

Oct 16, 2015

Update on the Contact Us! Page


We've updated our Contact Us! page today :D We probably should have done this sooner, but right now we're trying to focus on the content we're going to publish. Anyway! The reason for the update was the creation of a DeviantART group that you guys can join and follow so you stay updated on everything!

We will not be posting the comics on our DeviantART group, but all of our extras and downloadable content will be found there before anywhere else, so be sure to check it out! Also, if you want to submit anything to us, you might want to keep in mind that we will check the group first :)

Wellp! That's all for now guys! See you on November the 2nd! Bye bye!

Coming soon!

Hey, guys!

Sugarskull Comics is right about to sail! We know there's some of you who have been waiting for this since we first said the idea out loud, and we're very very happy to know there's so much support and enthusiasm... So many people cheering for us to make this project begin!

I know it's been quite the long walk since the first announcement, but it won't be such a long wait! We're preparing a lot of things and even have made some re-designs to the page (as you may have noticed by the navigation bar), because we noticed some faults that we hadn't seen before. It was all a problem that came from the template we had decided to use, and even when we liked the old navigation bar better, some things definitely had to be changed and could not be so with that template.

Anyways! Just letting you guys know we're doing our best! Thanks for cheering us and supporting the project! We'll be posting our first comics on November the 2nd! Wait for them! :D

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