Nov 2, 2015

Top 10s

As another part of the project, Sugarskull Comics is also developing an Art Project called the Top 10. Basically like every other Top 10 ever, but slightly different.

Every certain period of time, we will either choose or ask fans for a theme and develop our Top 10 around it. This theme will include characters in either cartoons or comics (if the time calls for it, maybe literature and series). For example, let's say you guys pick superheroes as your theme. That means that we're gonna have to come up with our ten favourite superheroes and place them in order. Then, we will make fanart and publish it little by little so you guys can see the progress and have the time for checking them out.

Because of the dates when Sugarskull decided to sail, and also because of the general tinge that the project itself has, we decided that the first theme will be Goth Girls. So please stay tuned! We're gonna publish our first Goth Girl on the top in a couple of minutes now, and continue to do it through the next days!

Side note:
Top 10s will be included in the Extras category, so they will most likely be included in DeviantART as well!

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